Contemplating Action
Contemplating Action is a digital project based on a simple idea
- Many people are thinking about the need to deal with something difficult in their lives
- Many organisations run helplines, messaging services and web chats to support them
- Some people miss out on getting help because there are fears or barriers in their way
- One way to help people overcome those fears or barriers and ask for help is to give them simple, visual stories of other people doing the same thing.
We want to test whether the same kind of web app could help lots of these people reach helplines, even though the issues they are facing are very different.
This project is delivered by Neontribe in partnership with CAST
Our idea comes from the theory of change.
People’s journeys fall broadly into the pattern:
Pre-contemplation ➞ Contemplation ➞ Preparation ➞ Action ➞ Maintenance
The solution we are testing
We want to help people step out of contemplation and seek advice and support as they move through preparation into action.
We are testing one particular digital intervention to see if it can be effective in helping people with different problems turn to organisations that can support them.
The story behind our starting point:
In 2017, with funding from Comic Relief, Neontribe and The Haven, Wolverhampton worked with women who had left an abusive situation behind to co-design an app for other vulnerable women. Called “You Matter” this app focuses on helping women overcome their fears about seeking help. It also reassures women that they are entitled to support and deserve to get that support.
The first day the app was used on facebook, the helpline received a call from a woman who reported that “I wasn’t sure, I didn’t know if I was being abused, but I’ve been on You Matter and now I think I need to talk to someone”
The app is now in an extension phase exploring different publicity methods, and looking at whether this success story can be repeated.
Getting involved
Do you work in a service that recognises this theory of change? You can get involved by exploring the Contemplating Action App which we have created to show how we can reuse the work from the original project to help different groups of people. You can take a short survey to help us test the concept. If you find you think it is helpful, you could become one of a small number of services partnering with us for the the next phase. The instructions on how to show your interest are in the app.
For any further information, contact