Explore our projects

Neontribe help people provide better digital services. We work with you to understand your users' needs and we produce digital tools including code, content and design

Browse our favourite projects to find out more


Help for young people visiting their GP with mental health issues


Comic Relief’s 2012 Innovation Labs brought the voice of young people right into the design of services for them to use. Neontribe were one of a consortium who facilitated the labs. Eight of the ideas that came out of that process were selected for funding. One was Docready, which we were chosen to develop. 8 years later, it’s still helping hundreds of people every week.

How we helped
  • Empowered users to remember what they wanted to say to their GP, and how they wanted to say it.
  • Developed, tested and iterated a digital service with young people.
  • Balanced user needs for security and functionality with an eye to keeping maintenance very low cost.
  • Built a tool to last with technologies that wouldn’t go out of date.
  • Collaborated with 3 organisations to deliver the project.

The Haven Wolverhampton

Developing a small storytelling app to help persuade women to seek help


Abusive behaviour in a relationship can be hard to recognise. Women experiencing abuse often are unaware that support is available. Online support tools can be jargon laden and lack relatable examples.

How we helped
  • Designed safe, inclusive user research activities that women felt helped them as well as helping us
  • Listened to women who had been through this journey to understand the fears and barriers they wanted us to focus on
  • Collaborated with frontline workers and volunteers to collect women’s stories.
  • Shared with the women the version we wanted to put online to help others
  • Built an award winning app that combines women’s stories with illustrations and encourages people to call a helpline
  • Helped convert elements of the app to social media and poster based advertising

Catalyst Discovery Programme

Online training and mentoring for charities getting started with user-led design


More and more charities are turning to digital projects to help them make a difference. They need skills and confidence to help them make clear decisions about technology. Training, mentoring and peer learning have to fit around very busy day jobs. This project needed to support charities of different sizes. They also had varied knowledge and different projects to complete.

How we helped
  • Re-used existing training materials and designed new ones.
  • Combined group training activities with individual mentoring.
  • Helped people understand how to deliver user research that is fair, safe and meaningful.
  • Passed on skills in service design that charities decided to use across their work, not only for digital projects.
  • Supported people to understand how to choose a new piece of software or technology.

Infosec at Neontribe

Simple help making your organisation more secure


Charities are subject to the same infosecurity challenges as any organisation. Yet charities are often heavily constrained by budget, and seldom have dedicated infosec staff. Knowledge of information security issues has to permeate the entire organisation to avoid risk to often vulnerable beneficiaries.

How we helped
  • In developing digital services in ways that can be certified to ISO 27001:2022
  • In helping small organisations fulfill the requirements of data protection regulations
  • In teaching the basics of information security

Alexandra Rose Charity

Simple technology to help more young families get fresh fruit and veg


The Rose Voucher fruit and veg project provides vouchers for families. When our work together began, people involved in the project were writing out lists by hand. Alexandra Rose’s administrator was typing up the information into spreadsheets. They wanted to use technology to reach more families but had limited budgets.

How we helped
  • Researching and testing prototypes with traders and children’s centre staff.
  • Mapping the journey of vouchers and the feelings of families and workers.
  • Throwing out “great” solutions when they turned out not to fit reality.
  • Building the technology in stages, starting in the place where we could make the biggest impact.
  • Creating a system that currently supports over 2000 families to get fresh fruit and veg every week.
  • Supporting the charity to make successful funding bids to Comic Relief, Esmee Fairbairn and National Lottery Community Foundation.

Mind Of My Own

Helping more than 450 services across the UK hear young people’s voices


Young people were always being asked to fill in paper forms and had know way of keeping track of whether they were heard. The Mind of my Own team came together to see if digital technology could make it easier for young people to get their social workers to listen to them. They discovered that apps could do this. These apps need to be appealing to young people, tailored to their needs, easy to use for workers, safe and secure.

How we helped
  • Starting in 2013 with a learn, build, measure approach funded by Nominet. We used paper prototypes, tests and experiments.
  • Helping the Mind of my Own team learn about user research, service design and product management
  • Providing expertise on information security so that all Mind of my Own’s apps meet ISO27001 and GDPR standards
  • Building and improving the apps which are now used by over 100 organisations to talk with the young people in their care.

NCVO and partners

Improving online information that explains safeguarding responsibilities to small organisations


The project aimed to provide clear, simple safeguarding advice for small charities. It focused on supporting organisations that only work with young people or adults at risk from time to time. Existing information could be hard to find and confusing.

How we helped
  • Led a uk wide user research programme, exploring how people searched and how they reacted to what they found.
  • Produced a content style guide for use by all partners.
  • Helped NCVO plan a structure for a core set of information pages.
  • Content designed and edited step by step plans with safeguarding subject specialists.
  • Collaborated on evaluation for the funders: DCMS and the National Lottery Community Fund.
  • Took learning from this project into 2 more content design projects with NCVO.

Get in touch

Interested in working with us? Please feel free to get in touch via email.